...if his bill were around in the 1700s.
State Rep. Tim Crouch of Kentucky wants to criminalize anonymous web-posting.
Yes, this bozo is a Republican, sad to say, though he seems to make a better Nannyist. Gotta save us from online bullies, donchya know?
Had his legislation been around in the late 1700s, it would have sought to criminalize Hamilton, Madison and Jay since they used the psuedonym Publius to write the Federalist Papers.
Alexander Hamilton also had Pacificus, Cattalus, Horatius and Philo Camillus. Newspaper publisher Benjamin Franklin had Silence Dogood, Alice Addertongue, Fanny Mournful, Obadiah Plainman and Busy Body. John Adams had about 25 or so false names that he wrote under, including Populus, An American, A Son of Liberty and the unusual "Vindex the Avenger".
This man would make criminals of the Founding Fathers. If made law, his legislation would be an oppression of liberty, a condemnation of freedom, a government shackle upon the right to free speech.
We do not need such as these in our party. Let him go to more like-minded grounds - the democrats.
Labels: free speech, Internet, Republicans, stupid laws