Near Miss

This Monday, we have an asteroid that will pass the Earth at 268,624 miles, just past the Moon's orbit.
I just might set up my telescope for this one...
Well, due to some spammer having found this obscure blog, I have been forced to refuse Anonymous posts. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for legitimate posters, but since I am unable to send feedback to the offending servers causing them to explode and burst into flames - well, I do what I can. Thank you to all my sincere commentators and may the spammers rot in digital agony.
Season Football tickets, tropical vacations, divorce lawyers and a sex change; all dire needs of victims of Katrina and Rita.
Who filed for the aid?
Prison inmates, a supposed victim who used a New Orleans cemetery for a home address, and a person who spent 70 days at a Hawaiian hotel.
And, Hillary wants the feds to control our healthcare?
Looks like a new species of hammerhead shark was discovered off the South Carolina coast.