The Government is Mother. The Government is Father.
Why has the obamacare website failed?
Why, not because of proven faulty design, but because people aren't "educated on how to use the Internet."
So says Senator Reid.
And, the stories of obamacare?
Why, they are all lies. Americans are liars, because obamacare is perfect.
You see, to the elitist, it is never his works that are at fault; always it is the other's fault. The user who is ignorant, uneducated, incompetent.
But, this is just another plank in the creed of the liberal.
Liberals know best what is good for you. Government must take care of you, since you aren't able to do so yourself. Freedom is the antithesis of the liberal. Cradle to grave is their mantra.
Remember, obamacare is perfect, the website is perfect. You are a liar, you are incapable, you must be cared for.