Quantum Spin

Well, due to some spammer having found this obscure blog, I have been forced to refuse Anonymous posts. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for legitimate posters, but since I am unable to send feedback to the offending servers causing them to explode and burst into flames - well, I do what I can. Thank you to all my sincere commentators and may the spammers rot in digital agony.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

So, Just Like There Aren't 57 States...

...there weren't 54 terrorist plots foiled by the NSA's phone call database.

"NSA chief’s admission of misleading numbers adds to Obama administration blunders

Gen. Keith B. Alexander admitted that the number of terrorist plots foiled by the NSA’s huge database of every phone call made in or to America was only one or perhaps two — far smaller than the 54 originally claimed by the administration."

Hmm. Obama lied again. It's becoming so commonplace, one hardly notices it anymore.

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